Friday, April 28, 2023

Symbol Systems Review by Raul Da Gama

Matthew Shipp: Symbol Systems


Matthew Shipp: Symbol SystemsThe notional existence of the musical theories and concepts of the music of Matthew Shipp dissolve very quickly from their abstract entities to concrete one the moment notes are sounded. Each individual one and the clusters they form in phrases and lines morph into the appearance of the footfalls of dancers in some mystical ballet, leaping into the air, pirouetting dizzily, leaping again and then seeming to fall in patterns that at first seem unruly. Soon, however, short dramatic vignettes emerge, as well as some longer narratives. No matter what we hear it is invariably something magical appears as each note is incarnated quite separate from a black dot with a definitive pulse attached to it into something quite magical that flies off the proverbial clefs charging, in turn, every other particle in the air around the room.

Mr Shipp for the purposes of an internal discipline perhaps, assigns – or might assign – a value to each so that they have a place in his Symbol Systems. However, unleashed with the kind of power imparted to them by his supple fingers, these notes and this music becomes something living and breathing; dancers indeed, who now create the illusion of such concrete items as “Clocks” which are wound up in the pulsations of the rhythmic figures of Mr Shipp’s right hand. Elsewhere elaborate musical subterfuges ensue – on “Dance of the Blue Atoms”, for instance; or on “Bop Abyss” and “Algebraic Boogie”. Each title is seemingly a trigger which causes the hands – and fingers – of the pianist to leap and fly, and defy gravity not only with notes that ascend, light as air, as if to a rarefied realm.

Throughout the programme Mr Shipp engages the entire tonal palette of the piano creating scurrying episodes and charged silences that nestle cheek-by-jowl in their splintered melodies, fractured harmonies and bent rhythms. This is clearly the creation of a major composer whose pianism also suggests great cohesion of form and function and, above all, lyricism that sets Mr Shipp apart in the same way that it did for musicians such as Thelonious Monk and Cecil Taylor. Compression and expressivity are also equally evident in the movements of these works. As a result, the delicate melodic vignettes appear to point to a panoramic whole that, in, turn, constitutes the Symbol Systems that Mr Shipp would like us to discern in this music.

Track list – 1: Clocks; 2: Harmonic Oscillator; 3: Temperate Zone; 4: Symbol Systems; 5: The Highway; 6: Self-Regulated Motion; 7: Frame; 8: Flow of Meaning; 9: Dance of the Blue Atoms; 10: Bop Abyss; 11: Nerve Signals; 12: Algebraic Boogie; 13: The Inventor Part 1; The Inventor Part 2

Personnel – Matthew Shipp: piano

Released – 2018
Label: HatHUT (hatOLOGY 749)
Runtime – 1:00:55

Signature review by John Payne

Matthew Shipp Trio’s Signature

The rather prolific Matthew Shipp is the most relevant jazz pianist of the last few decades. With more than 85 releases of bold ‘n’ brave music as a solo performer and in duo/ trio/quartet formats alongside the avantish jazz likes of the David S. Ware Quartet, Ivo Perelman, Sabir Mateen, Darius Jones, Joe Morris, Jemeel Moondoc, Mat Walerian and two tons of others, he hasn’t had time to take a vacation. Several years ago Shipp told me he was thinking of retiring from recording, because, he said, there was just too much music out there in consumer land. I’m glad he didn’t, because his recorded output since spouting such balderdash has only grown more profound — and truly electrifying.

Matthew Shipp Trio's Signature, reviewed at Riot Material Magazine

Recorded in first takes with his current trio (bassist Michael Bisio, drummer Newman Taylor Baker), Shipp’s new Signature album is, like much of his work of the last three decades, not an easy thing upon which to put one’s finger. But we’re talking here about a semi-improvised music played on piano, bass and drums, so let’s call it free jazz and get that outta the way. And the piano trio is no doubt the language in which Shipp communicates best; it allows him to reference the ghosts of jazz past in a way that gives you and him something to lean on — he summons Thelonious Monk and Bud Powell in substantial ways; a more superficial ear would place him in the Cecil Taylor “school” of doing things; there’s major chunks of Henry Cowell in it as well.

Shipp’s music is an intellectual music, literally, his “emotions” seemingly taking their cues from the impulses of his active mind as it instructs him how to move his fingers on the keyboard. Which doesn’t mean his music is coldass or forbidding — a Matthew Shipp recording documents the many conceivable ways a human brain can work its magic. His brain’s capacity for surprise is his subject matter; it fascinates him, keeps him company on cold nights. While it’s obviously true that many of our most advanced musicians have mined the fertile ground that lies somewhere between their brains, hearts and limbs, it’s just that Shipp is especially geniuslike at it. Shipp’s is a very fertile brain, from the sound of it, with a heightened ability to combine thoughts to create third thoughtlike entities, which invariably lead ferociously fast to other thoughts, and to spend quality time with certain thoughts he’s never had before.

What Shipp does — how he’s doing things differently — is best understood from a technical angle, as you ponder this li’l tidbit Shipp once spake about his musical methodology: “I’m trying to bleed out of the piano a contrapuntal kaleidoscope.” He also said, “There’s no such thing as chords. There’s independent voices moving and independent voices coming together to form blocks of sound. Within Western theory, when you have a few notes coalescing you call it this chord and that chord, but actually what is happening in music is always the movement of contrapuntal voices.”

A conception of musical counterpoint really helps in your comprehension (and enjoyment) of Signature, whose easy-to-get-into tracks float like a butterfly and kick like a mule, sometimes simultaneously; they have the black & white dynamism of Kandinsky’s woodcuts. The title track’s initial mood is contemplative and cool, but quickly becomes amiably angular as it spiderwebs notes in “modern” ways; brush drums and a stumbly acoustic bass lock in with Shipp in a most organic way. But this is how Shipp works: Regarding your first impression of a structure, you think you’re in one place but you’re in many. Compare that sensation with the familiar description of the structures of Debussy: they’re a series of different objects viewed under the same light. This type of rocking building blocks allows Shipp to pursue an important evolution in any progressive music: The development of a strictly personal symmetry, or individual sense of logical musical structure.

Such a discrete symmetry can be heard in Shipp’s “Flying Saucer,” where this spontaneously composed thing is the thing itself. The track hasn’t much to do with “impressions,” musical references or following through on what a contrived compositional system told him he had to do. Shipp is rolling, stabbing at notes, left hand prominent and way down there. He and his mates keep it up, absorbing each other, in fact playing like each other albeit on different instruments. Shipp’s now a whirlwind, an army waving banners, birds pecking at your palms. You wouldn’t call the resultant sound field alien — Shipp keeps hitting these jazz-referential “club” chords that humanize things; then he’s quickly back out there, following his head’s forays into the wild blue yonder, or tromping about in a bog.

The cocky pointyhead Matthew Shipp’s playing is fleet-fingered, light but very, very strong; throughout, Bisio’s bass and Taylor Baker’s drums are almost aburdly in-tune with Shipp’s symmetry, deserving of the supremest compliment any musician can get: They disappear, much like how Horsemouth’s drums vanish on those old Burning Spear records. Musicians like these become heartbeats. (Bisio does get a “solo” turn in the all-bass-drone interval called “Deep to Deep,” as does Taylor Baker in the multi-percussive “Snap.”)

Signature’s standouts include the oddly shaped 16 minutes of “This Matrix” (speedy pianist virtuoso swats swarms of mosquitos, clears the way for a looong bass solo), the similarly epic and appropriately titled “Speech of Form” (crosses rivers and valleys, stops for picnic lunch, takes a whizz, moves on), and the pointillistic and pedal-effects-adorned “Stage Ten,” in which, come to think of it, the music appears to emanate from the listener’s own body and mind. Thank you, maestro Shipp.

John Payne is Music Critic at Riot Material. He also writes about music and film at publications including Mojo, The Quietus, Red Bulletin, Drum!, High Times and Bluefat. Mr. Payne is the former music editor of LA Weekly, and the author of the forthcoming official Diamanda Galás biography Homicidal Love Songs and editor/co-author of Jaki Liebezeit: Life, Theory and Practice of a Master Drummer (Unbound, spring 2019).

Audio Player

2013 Nashville Scene preview

Don't Miss Avant-Jazz Legend Matthew Shipp with Lambchop Saturday at VFW

  • I’ve seen a ton of shows since moving to Nashville 15 years ago, but pianist Matthew Shipp’s 2006 solo set at a church on Indiana Avenue still stands out as the most mind-blowing performance I’ve witnessed. It was an astonishing display, as if he had consumed the entirety of popular music, broken it down to its genetic code, then reassembled the DNA into a seemingly infinite number of mutations: familiar, delicate, unnerving, harmonically dense, nostalgic, atonal, pulsating, arrhythmic — and that was just the first 60 seconds.

  • Classical allusions, straight-ahead jazz changes and simple melodies would emerge out of cacophony, then recombine in ways that contradicted their usual associations. A jarring “Summertime,” in particular, seemed loaded with political overtones. Even though the crowd was predominantly indie-rock types there to see openers Lambchop and Hands Off Cuba, the avant-garde jazz legend got a spontaneous and boisterous standing ovation like few I’ve seen.

    Kudos to promoter Chris Davis for bringing Shipp back again, this time to the VFW Post 1970, 7220 Charlotte Pike, at 8 p.m. Saturday. He'll be appearing with his trio, including Michael Bisio on upright bass and Whit Dickey on drums. For jazz fans (or anyone with a set of ears, really), this may be the can’t-miss show of the year. Better yet, Lambchop will once again open for Shipp. And with guitarist Mary Halvorson and bassist Stephan Crump at Zeitgeist’s Indeterminacies series Friday night, this could be the greatest weekend for free jazz Nashville’s ever seen.

Thursday, April 27, 2023

Review of The Uppercut Live at Okuden by Derk Richardson

Matthew Shipp & Mat Walerian Duo: The Uppercut Live at Okuden | Nov 20th, 2015

Music: 4 stars (out of 5)

Sonics: 4 stars (out of 5)

As Matthew Shipp’s catalog expands, so does our understanding of the depth and breadth of his genius. In more than 25 years of recording, the avant-garde pianist has explored as many settings as any player in jazz. His duo dates—with William Parker, Joe Morris, Michael Bisio, Rob Brown, Mat Maneri, Roscoe Mitchell, Sabir Mateen, Darius Jones, Evan Parker, and here, Polish reed player Walerian—are especially revealing. In this conversational format, Shipp’s attentiveness to his partner’s moves becomes more anticipatory than reactive, and Walerian’s alto sax, bass clarinet, soprano clarinet, and flute push Shipp in many directions, while adding an extraordinary range of colors and textures around the bright edginess and rich chords of the acoustic piano. There are lots of blues and bop intonations and songlike melodies to make these original boundary- bashing pieces accessible to mainstream listeners. But Shipp, 54, and his de facto protégé Walerian, 31, throw in plenty of fractured harmonies, skittering rhythms, guttural honks, and high-register squeals as the moment moves them. Other than the applause preceding the encore, you might forget that this is a concert date, though the roomy sound of the piano and the palpably spontaneous creative energy feel totally live.--Derk Richardson

Wednesday, April 26, 2023

To Duke review by John Sharpe


So has pianist Matthew Shipp finally clambered aboard the repertory album bandwagon? Certainly on To Duke he addresses seven standards derived from the Ellington Orchestra, alongside four originals. But if you cast an eye over Shipp's discography you'll find such pieces are nothing new. Actually popular songs constitute an enduring part of his repertoire. What's unusual here is the focus on several from the same songbook on the same set. But there's no question of special treatment. In terms of development they often sound little different from other trio inventions. Typically Shipp uses the written material to establish a mood and act as reference points amid the flurries of tangential interplay.

Shipp's accomplices possess the prowess to follow him wherever he goes, though they also have the freedom to choose not to follow him at all. Bassist Michael Bisio offers oblique commentary on the leader's distinctive stylings, whether through plaintive upper register pizzicato or buzzing bow work. On drums, Whit Dickey provides the bedrock of multi directional meter which both creates tension and allows and encourages the pianist's digressions. Shipp's renditions of familiar strains engender a lighter than usual feeling from his patented blend of insistent motifs, sparkling runs and hammered single keys, largely eschewing the customary crashing depth charges.

Shipp's approach recalls a refurbishment of a classic building where the facade remains largely intact but hides an ultra modern complex behind. While Shipp opens the program alone with stirring chords and a rolling cadence on "Prelude to Duke," "In a Sentimental Mood" ably illustrates the trio's modus operandi. Although Shipp revels in the theme, the rhythm team might be pursuing unrelated charts. Dickey lays down a lattice of polyrhythmic layers, while Bisio's counterpoint mediates between the two. But it all makes sense when Shipp leaves the tune for a minimalist chiming sequence nonetheless in the same register and tempo. Then when Bisio and Dickey do eventually lock into the same beat they conjure a glorious surging quality, which ends the track on a high.

"Satin Doll" begins with a playful call and response between piano and bass. In their hands, time expands and contracts, until Shipp spins off in a string of dizzily mutating figures. While threeway interaction prevails as the prime directive of the day, Bisio tackles "I Got It Bad and That Ain't Good" solo, moving from sighing slurs via world weary melancholy to a veritable blizzard of notes, which acts as a suitably engaging foretaste of the rapid clip of the ensuing "Take the A Train." At times the bassist sounds as if he is hanging on for dear life in a welter of dashing piano lines and pulsing drums, before a thunderous climatic derailment. Later on "Dickey Duke" the drummer stars in a series of unaccompanied breaks for his throbbing perpetual motion tattoo.

By the close, it is clear that though nominally an exploration of Ellington, the recital is in fact essential Shipp.

No Subject Review by Tim Niland 


East Axis - No Subject (Mack Avenue Recordings, 2023)

East Axis is an excellent progressive jazz quartet consisting of four well respected musicians, Gerald Cleaver on drums, Kevin Ray bass, Matthew Shipp on piano and new member Scott Robinson on tenor saxophone, alto clarinet, tarogato, trumpet and slide cornet. This album builds on the success their previous fine LP, Cool With That. The music is very impressive and dynamic, with Matthew Shipp moving from dropping huge clusters of battlefield clearing low end notes and chords to hypnotic minimalism of repetitive static that creates a springboard for the others to jump into improvisation from. Robinson is a fine addition to the group with his multitude of instruments allowing the band to develop music that has a multitude of textures and consistencies from fine grain pointillism to deeply hewn free jazz. Cleaver plays particularly well here, using his full command of the entire drum kit to push and pull the tempo while Shipp and Ray gradually guide the rhythm and Ray moves majestically through his horns. This is all happening in real time as the musicians interact with each other and their environment in a very fulfilling way. These four musicians were able to take notions from free jazz and more literally composed sections to coalesce and create truly intuitive music, which makes a memorable impact. This was a very well executed recording, creating exciting music that sounds fresh, the music moving forward by developing a team based and resonant sound played with a spark of the unexpected.

Piano Song Review by Bill Meyer 


Matthew Shipp’s music cycles like the seasons, and death and rebirth are part of the program. Piano Song is his final album for Thirsty Ear, a label he co-curates, and the second with the current lineup of Shipp on piano, Michael Bisio on bass and Newman Taylor Baker on drums. Baker’s devotion to fundamental rhythms transforms the group from the bottom up, inducing Shipp’s stark themes to swing more traditionally than they have in the past and shining light into the moss-on-bark closeness of Bisio and Shipp’s musical connection. But he’s also right there when the trio breaks things down, so that the transition between crashing chords and a throttled-back groove on “Flying Carpet” not only makes sense, it feels as inevitable and natural as the first green shoots poking out of the melting snow. If you want to hear Shipp getting everything just right, go first to his 2011 release The Art Of The Improviser. But if you want to hear him reconciling the roots of his music with a future he hasn’t found yet, this is the next fearless step into the future.

—Bill Meyer

Symbol Systems Review by Raul Da Gama Matthew Shipp: Symbol Systems By   Raul Da Gama  -   Jul 31, 2018   1333   0 The ...